花栗鼠柑仔店: YUI 2: Rich Text Editor
查了一下YUI的範例: YUI Library Examples: Rich Text Editor: Code Editor
1. 用範例選好的 JavaScript與CSS 需要匯入的檔案
YUI 2: Dependency Configurator
2. 加入編輯器新增的圖示到CSS的定義
.yui-skin-sam .yui-toolbar-container .yui-toolbar-editcode span.yui-toolbar-icon { background-image: url( html_editor.gif ); background-position: 0 1px; left: 5px; } .yui-skin-sam .yui-toolbar-container .yui-button-editcode-selected span.yui-toolbar-icon { background-image: url( html_editor.gif ); background-position: 0 1px; left: 5px; } .editor-hidden { visibility: hidden; top: -9999px; left: -9999px; position: absolute; } textarea { border: 0; margin: 0; padding: 0; }
html_editor.gif (GIF Image, 16x16 pixels)
3. 修改editor產生的部份, 需要將code編輯的按鈕加入
myEditor.on('toolbarLoaded', function() { var codeConfig = { type: 'push', label: 'Edit HTML Code', value: 'editcode' }; YAHOO.log('Create the (editcode) Button', 'info', 'example'); this.toolbar.addButtonToGroup(codeConfig, 'insertitem'); this.on('afterRender', function() { //snipped }, this, true); }, myEditor, true);
4. 處理按下按鈕時的事件: on時要將其他按鈕disable, 且按掉時要回傳HTML到編輯器視窗
//Somewhere above the Editor code var state = 'off'; YAHOO.log('Set state to off..', 'info', 'example'); //Inside the toolbarLoaded event this.toolbar.on('editcodeClick', function() { var ta = this.get('element'), iframe = this.get('iframe').get('element'); if (state == 'on') { state = 'off'; this.toolbar.set('disabled', false); YAHOO.log('Show the Editor', 'info', 'example'); YAHOO.log('Inject the HTML from the textarea into the editor', 'info', 'example'); this.setEditorHTML(ta.value); if (!this.browser.ie) { this._setDesignMode('on'); } Dom.removeClass(iframe, 'editor-hidden'); Dom.addClass(ta, 'editor-hidden'); this.show(); this._focusWindow(); } else { state = 'on'; YAHOO.log('Show the Code Editor', 'info', 'example'); this.cleanHTML(); YAHOO.log('Save the Editors HTML', 'info', 'example'); Dom.addClass(iframe, 'editor-hidden'); Dom.removeClass(ta, 'editor-hidden'); this.toolbar.set('disabled', true); this.toolbar.getButtonByValue('editcode').set('disabled', false); this.toolbar.selectButton('editcode'); this.dompath.innerHTML = 'Editing HTML Code'; this.hide(); } return false; }, this, true); this.toolbar.on('editcodeClick', function() { this.on('cleanHTML', function(ev) { YAHOO.log('cleanHTML callback fired..', 'info', 'example'); this.get('element').value = ev.html; }, this, true); }, myEditor, true);
5. 注意事項
(1) 假如嫌上面囉嗦麻煩, 可以直接參考: YUI Library Examples: Rich Text Editor: Code Editor Full Example Javascript Source整合好的直接匯入就好
(2) 用範例整合好的程式碼要注意, 一般我們都會在編輯器編好後, 做一個回存的動作,
但這整合好的範例是透過一個匿名function, 假如在底下接收要回存的事件會產生myEditor變數找不到的問題:
(function() { var myEditor1 = new YAHOO.widget.Editor( ... } YAHOO.util.Event.on('update', 'click', function() { //Put the HTML back into the text area myEditor1.saveHTML(); }
解決的方法很簡單, 相信大家都知道,
var myEditor1 = new YAHOO.widget.Editor( ... (function() { ... } YAHOO.util.Event.on('update', 'click', function() { //Put the HTML back into the text area myEditor1.saveHTML(); }
完畢! 收工!